The Jr. Orchestra, under the direction of Denise Jamsa, is made up of 22 children ranging in age from 7 to 12. All of these children are taking private lessons from teachers in the area who help them prepare for the recitals and concerts they give. One of those teachers, Andrea Bailey, is assisting Denise in directing the children. They started the concert with a fun number called "Grandfather's Clock". They also performed "The First Noel" and "Themes from the Nutcracker".
Picture above, left to right: Tiffany Nelson, Bethany Graham, Aidan Compas, Ethan Compas, Andrew Hale, Johnathan Tanner, Madeline Stone, Adrene Harding, Jaantje Bowman, Legend Carter, Sven Jamsa. Second row: Denise Jamsa, Andrea Bailey, Anna Tanner, Joshua Hatton, David Finley, Callie Peterson, Elisabeth Oldham, Darby Thomas, Rachel Christensen, Amber Bailey, Bethany Davis, Rebecca Thompson and Isaac Oldham.

Pictured above, front row: Benjamin Hale, Jonathan Hale, Jacob Searcy. Back row: Marcel Bowman, Maren Williams, Jocelyn Baker, Ambrynn Bowman, Taylor Stilson, Ben Hatch. (June Curtis, Savannah Stone and Jared Buhler, not pictured)

Pictured above: (left to right) Monika Bowman, Marcel Bowman, Kalee Young, Michael Sly, Katie Cloud and Laura Hatch.
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